"Mandela, Israeli agents released." The Israeli newspaper Haaretz's important to say I'll give you the answer.
I am a student of the Qur'an will defend a socialist man. So Mandela ... even preparing to publish a short video for her I think.
First of all, a leader who was in the hearts of the people of the world, but his legacy in our Mosad raised to put her in the person they want to glorify themselves and discredit him at the same time trying to Magadan. two birds with one stone ...
Why discredit trying to Magadan.? Thai people you follow in his footsteps. hence, it gave life a leader in the fight, you will not like these circles.
Engaged in self-criticism and persecution in them that there are many Jews. I remembered ...
South Afrikalılı cheer they may be, to get comfortable in the world of people who are suffering, so Mandela, I'm going to defend it. A rebut what they say I'm one of the newspaper.
Newspapers claim 1: Israel's major newspaper Haaretz, South African leader Mandela speak Hebrew very well, he said.
Answer: Well ... first of all Hebrew Israeli agents who know me? So.
Newspaper claims 2: Mandela returned two months before this date in South Africa, the country was detained for abandoning passport. Then he was sentenced for various crimes such as sabotage and assassination was 27 years in prison. Mandela, David Mobsar Israeli Embassy in Ethiopia with a fake name on his entry was confirmed from Zimbabwe. But allegedly, the Mossad, which has forged passport. Mandela, the letter "Ethiopians," he said of Mossad agents judo, sabotage and received weapons training was finalized. Israelis "shalom," he saluted Mandela for many years, was also noted that the work of the Mossad. An interesting letter on the emergence of the new announcement was made. If it turns out the letter was Mandela when he was alive, some Jews living in South Africa, would be deciphered.
Answer: 2 a) and left the country without a passport was gonna say, both were fake passport Mosad'll say that this is a contradiction.
b) a person 27 years of his man would let you rot in jail? Especially if that person is a powerful ...
c) any port in a storm, Mandela turns off all exit doors of a human being is, of course, need the help of one. This is no proof that his agent. Indeed, the relationship between the State of Israel and the United States has a lot of countries and people, to all agent? Let's say that. Kurds, Saddam in the war with Israel, and he asked for help from America Barzani Muslim masses' t have described as an agent. However, is not the agent of Barzani ...
d) The whole world knows that Mandela showed passive resistance. Ha! in the struggle for so many years, of course, will be involved in a team event. This does not mean that his agent.
e) a human being his own man in the world bring in a considerable position in the eyes of the world after you drop it contradicts logic. Had it been something you these secrets were buried with Mandela. Said the Jews would have been deciphered from S. Africa, the people are told to believe them. It is already known in the world of Jewish businessmen, have been involved?
How though can not give the answer man died. People who are in a position to defend himself, it is difficult to discredit, but it is easy to vulnerable people. His account also remains in the Hereafter.
So Mandela is not their man.
Newspaper claims 3: Mandela's relationship is so close to the Mossad, also raised the interesting claims. Bought some gold mines in South Africa Jewish companies, the first agreement was made with Mandela. Here's why this agreement, Mandela's Jews was perceived as a thank you. Some members of the Mandela family, this gold mining companies sell their work in the field noted that Jews.
Answer: 3 more ridiculous ... Today, for the enrichment of the citizens of all countries are committed to international trade. Especially a poor country such as South African ... then all world countries who trade with Israel s agent? Tayyib Erdogan has purchased goods from Israel. T. Erdogan's attitude toward Israel is always precisely known. (One minute)
Newspaper claims 4: UK and U.S. media, due to the emergence of Mandela's Mossad tried to lived in a big surprise. British Government on the BBC channel, "Mandela fans in shock. Mossad Mandela, one" comments were made. The New York Times said, "Mandela Mossad, common output," he wrote. The Washington Times, "the letter documenting Mandela's Mossad cooperation, the country has caused reactions," he said.
Answer: 4 Hz. Muhammad says; "A deviators news brought to you immediately believe him time search."
AGENTS OF ALL THE EVIDENCE that there is clear evidence of Mandela.
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